President of Civil Service Commission Calls on Pakistan High Commissioner to Discuss Training Opportunities for Civil Servants

March 19, 2017

The President of Civil Service Commission, Dr. Aly Shameem paid a courtesy call on the High Commissioner of Pakistan, His Excellency, Vice Admiral (Retired), Saeed Khawar Ali Shah. The meeting was held yesterday with the initiation of His Excellency to discuss the various training opportunities available in Pakistan which can be provided to civil servants and staff of Civil Service Commission. The meeting was held as an integral part of the mission to strengthen the relationship between the various stakeholders in Pakistan and the Commission.

During the meeting, Dr. Shameem underscored that Pakistan is very much experienced and advanced in areas relevant to governance, administration and management in comparison to the Maldives.

His Excellency Vice Admiral (Retired). Shah expressed his delight to have heard the successful completion of the recent bilateral trip by Dr. Shameem to Islamabad and Lahore. In this regard, His Excellency ascertained that quick measures will be taken to implement the actions discussed during the trip.

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